Last night some of my best friends and I had our 7th annual Friend Thanksgiving. We started this tradition when we were roomates in college and I am so glad we have continued it every year since. For me it usually signifies the start of the Holiday season and I start to think about the many things I have in my life that I am thankful for. My pastor preached a sermon yesterday morning about Thanksgiving and reminded people to be thankful for the big and small things in your life. He said to make of list of things you are thankful for and you can see the many ways that God has blessed your life. Below is my list (I restricted it to 20 things so it wouldnt get too overwhelming) of some things in my life that I am thankful for. Each blessing is from God and we must remember to first and foremost give thanks to Him for His abundant grace.
Pslam 107:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
I am thankful for...(in no particular order, except for the first 8 haha)
1. The fact that I have been saved by the grace of God
2. Jesus dying on the cross for my sins
3. My wonderful and amazing husband
4. My dad and the fact that we have breakfast together every sat morning
5. My mom, I only hope to one day be like her
6. For my sister, she is my BEST friend and for her husband Jimmy and his sacrifice protecting the City of Greenville
7. My soon to be born niece Alexis Lynn (I cannot wait till she gets here)
8. That I have THE GREATEST friends in the world (some since elementary school and recent ones too). I would do anything for them, and I know they will always be there for me too even if we can see each other as much as we would like too.
9. That I have a job during these hard times
10. My co-workers, they make the job so much better
11. That I was born in the United States, I am definitely proud to be an American
12. For all the men and women (especially Adam's brother) of the armed forces and their families who sacrifice their lives for our freedom
13. For our house (and the $8000 tax credit)
14. My cat Roxie, she is the best bed snuggle buddy
15. My puppy Rambo, I now understand the special bond between a dog and owner
16. That my husband, Adam makes me laugh every single day and we can have the best time just doing nothing
17. That I have a church that feels like home - Temple Baptist in Simpsonville, and for my pastor, Brad Whitt who preaches God's word and challenges me to be a better Christain
18. For Christmas, my favorite time of the year
19. A fun one…for M&M’s haha : )
20. That I have been blessed by having so much to be thankful for
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I love this time of the year!!
Fall definitely gets me into a good mood. I love this time of the football, great weather, leaves changing, the Holidays are getting closer...I mean it doesnt get much better than this. This time of year reminds me to be thankful for the small and big things in life. God creates such beauty with the leaves changing and it is hard not to think about how awesome He is. Also with the Holidays quickly approaching I get thankful for my wonderful family and friends and also for the small things.
Fall also gets me into a decorating mood. I love getting to decorate the house with fall things and then that gets me thinking about the Christmas season and I LOVE decorating for Christmas. This year we have our own house, which makes me even more excited. Below are some pics of my fall decor.
Fall also gets me into a decorating mood. I love getting to decorate the house with fall things and then that gets me thinking about the Christmas season and I LOVE decorating for Christmas. This year we have our own house, which makes me even more excited. Below are some pics of my fall decor.
Go Vols!
Adam and I bought tickets to the Tenn vs UCLA game in Sept. I always love going to Knoxville and watching the Vols play. Since marrying Adam I have become a Tenn Volunteer fan (at least when they dont play Clemson). He is trying to convert me 100% but my blood does run Tiger orange. My dedication lies with Clemson, but I have become a Tenn fan as well. We had a blast at the game even though they lost. We had awesome seats and it was good to get to spend some quality time together.
New York with my sister.
On Labor Day weekend my sister and I took a trip to New York City. It was great to get to spend some good quality time with her on a cool trip. I know things will get hectic once little Alexis is born in Jan., so it was nice to spend time with her. We went sightseeing, shopping, and just hung out. We also went to M&M world : ). I have now been to 2 out of the 3 locations. Only one more to go, Vegas here I come, haha. For anybody that knows me you know I love M&M's. Below are only a few pics from the trip, I uploaded more on facebook so check those out too.

St Patricks Cathedral
Times Square
Our hotel, which was very nice
New Puppy!
We finally got a new puppy, Adam is so happy. I wanted to wait until we had a house with a backyard, so once we got settled in, we found our pup. His name is Rambo, and he is a Mini Schnauzer and Dachsund mix. He is the cutest puppy ever, at least I think so. We have had him now for about a month and half and he has been the best. Rambo already knows to go to the door to go outside and him and Roxie are starting to get along much better. He is definitely part of the family and we love him so much : )

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Blog Title
This is where the title of my blog came from...I love this song by Rascall Flats. It just reminds you about the simple things about marriage and your spouse. I always love spending time with Adam no matter what we are doing. We can just be sitting in the same room doing two completely different things. I never knew how much I would enjoy marriage and how much he really is my soulmate. God made him just for me and I love him so much. : ) I am very blessed to have such a great guy as my husband. Always remeber to appreciate the small things and just being able to spend time with one another.
"This Everyday Love"
Can't get enough of this everyday love
Can't get enough of this everyday love
Each morning the sun shines through my window
Lands on the face of a dream come true
I shuffle to the kitchen for my coffee
And catch up on the front page morning news
Then she walks up behind me and throws her arms around my neck
Just another normal thing I've come to expect
It's ordinary plain and simple
Typical, this everyday love
Same ol', same ol' keeping it new
(Same ol'/This everyday love)
Emotional, so familiar
Nothing about it too peculiar
Oh, but I can't get enough
Of this everyday love
Every afternoon I make a phone call
Listen to the voice that warms my heart
I drag myself through a few more hours
Then head on home to try and beat the dark
Her smile will be right there when I step through that door
And it will be that way tomorrow, just like everyday before
[Repeat Chorus]
Wouldn't change one single thing about it
No, it's run-of-the-mill, still I can't live without it
[Repeat Chorus]
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I am going to New York!!
I am going to New York for my birthday, woohoo!! My parents are treating my sister and I to a trip to New York for our birthdays. We mentioned it to them thinking that they would not say yes, but since we were able to find a great deal online for hotel and plane tickets they were willing. Now Kelly's birthday isnt until March, but we figured we better go now before the baby arrives. We are so excited about the trip. We will only be there for 2 nights but it will be great to getaway and spend time together. I am definitley looking forward to visiting the M&M world up there too (now I only need to go to the one in Las Vegas and I will have been to all three). Anyway, I will definitely take lots of pics to post when we will be in the beginning of Sept, so keep checking back and pray for a safe flight and what not. : )

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